Some of you may recall that I was going to be shooting a friend of mine in concert last weekend.

And, so I did. Got back the contacts today, and I'm mostly okay with them - not a real high yield, but the lighting was horrendous, and the LX was having trouble dealing with some situations. I was shooting Fuji Neopan 1600 at 3200, and I'm happy with the way that the film turned out.

The best shots, exposure-wise, were these portrait-type ones, where her face filled much of the frame - I think that made it easier for the LX to figure the exposure. There were a couple of wider shots where I took a couple, one after the other, and I could hear that one of the exposures were ~real~ long - the meter said it was 1/60th, but the actual exposure sounded much more like 1/15th, and the over-exposed contact said maybe I was right. Then, the next shot, made immediately after, was fine. But, with such harsh lighting, I guess that's to be expected. That's why I shot 3 rolls.

Don't forget, scanned from contact sheet - the neg actually looks pretty sharp, and has more detail and shading. I think the prints will be okay. Taken with the Takumar Bayonet 2.5 135mm ("the dog" <g>) wide open, hand held on auto.

Also got back several rolls from the ice race - which I probably won't scan from the contact, but we'll see what prints I get. I'm pretty happy with those.

Plus, got back a roll of APX 100 that I went street shooting with, and I'm picking up an 8x10 that will be my PAW tomorrow.

I love getting back lots of film all at once. I know that digital gives it back immediately, but the anticipation of film is wonderful! <vbg>


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

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