Godd luck - it's a lot of fun. If you shoot black and white and even color
negs, you can reduce contrast by undereksposing (minus correktion) in
combination with over development. As an example exposing a 200 iso film
like it is 400 iso, then developing it like 500-600 ASA. You might want to
do some tests in B&W. Colour film, from which you want prints, represent a
slight problem: The lab will try to "correct" what you did "wrong" as they
print the photographs (this goes for all photographs - not only concert
shots. That's why I would choose to scan the negs and then order prints from
my files.

All the best

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jens Bladt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 4. marts 2004 07:41
Emne: RE: Concert pix

...don't forget, that concert shots need minus esposure corretion to avoid
"pancake faces", due to the dark background and very bright lights! Usually
about two stops.
All the best

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 4. marts 2004 01:10
Emne: OT: Concert pix

Some of you may recall that I was going to be shooting a friend of mine in
concert last weekend.

And, so I did.  Got back the contacts today, and I'm mostly okay with them -
not a real high yield, but the lighting was horrendous, and the LX was
having trouble dealing with some situations.  I was shooting Fuji Neopan
1600 at 3200, and I'm happy with the way that the film turned out.

The best shots, exposure-wise, were these portrait-type ones, where her face
filled much of the frame - I think that made it easier for the LX to figure
the exposure.  There were a couple of wider shots where I took a couple, one
after the other, and I could hear that one of the exposures were ~real~ long
- the meter said it was 1/60th, but the actual exposure sounded much more
like 1/15th, and the over-exposed contact said maybe I was right.  Then, the
next shot, made immediately after, was fine.  But, with such harsh lighting,
I guess that's to be expected.  That's why I shot 3 rolls.


Don't forget, scanned from contact sheet - the neg actually looks pretty
sharp, and has more detail and shading.  I think the prints will be okay.
Taken with the Takumar Bayonet 2.5 135mm ("the dog" <g>) wide open, hand
held on auto.

Also got back several rolls from the ice race - which I probably won't scan
from the contact, but we'll see what prints I get.  I'm pretty happy with

Plus, got back a roll of APX 100 that I went street shooting with, and I'm
picking up an 8x10 that will be my PAW tomorrow.

I love getting back lots of film all at once.  I know that digital gives it
back immediately, but the anticipation of film is wonderful!  <vbg>


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.  The pessimist
fears it is true."  -J. Robert Oppenheimer

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