On Mar 5, 2004, at 05:21, graywolf wrote:

I glanced at the source code. Your scripting software seems to produce very clean code. What are you using?

Long story...

I couple of years ago I wanted to build a photo database, and I also wanted to learn about cgi-bin programming. So I married the two ideas: I wrote my own cgi-bin database from scratch, for the purpose of creating a searchable online photo library.

The executable itself doesn't generate the HTML: that comes from a script file. The cgi-bin program just fills in the fields. In fact, the scripting is the only thing I actually like about my database. It's extremely limited otherwise.

I am pretty sure that the HTML is entirely hand written, apart from what the server fills in. I've been editing in Dreamweaver lately, as that is convenient and keeps my local and remote files all up to date. But I can't use the wysiwyg view very easily for this stuff - I'm just using it as a text editor.

At the moment I'm desperately wanting to convert the whole lot over to PHP and MySQL, but that involves persuading the owner of my host to install MySQL :) Otherwise I'll need to add some features to my own database, which is going to require a fair bit of effort.

BTW thanks to everyone for the feedback. It must be about time I put another picture in.


- Dave


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