could be because they are stuck with the 45.5mm flange
registration and they are designing even shorter focal length
zoom lenses, the retrofocus factor is kicking their ass.

The only way they will ever get maximum performance from
a APS sensor system is lenses and bodies designed from the beginning
for APS sensors, i.e. the new Olympus DSLR system.


   J.C. O'Connell   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: William Robb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: *ist D sensor and 35mm lens resolution

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Studdert"
Subject: Re: *ist D sensor and 35mm lens resolution

. And as a consequence of the limited image
> circle the lenses can be designed to be physically much smaller.

That would account for the platter (I think it was 77mm) that goes on
the front end of the DA 16-45, or the 67mm on the front of the FA
I swear, the 16-45 was nearly as big as a 645 lens.
Saw the Oly E-1 system.
Humping big lenses on it as well (its a pretty big pony too).

I don't get it. They keep saying the lenses will get smaller, but
they keep making them bigger.

William Robb

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