Great shot of the 917K, John. It gets my blood going just looking at one! <vbg>

Unfortunately, I can't pull up the Can Am one, but I do want to come back later and try again. What a brutal machine that was! Saw it race a couple of times at Mosport, both with the RC Cola colours, and the Penske Sunoco version, with Donahue. I think the RC Cola colours were '72, the first time I ever saw a race at Mosport. Some nobody named Charlie Kemp (I think; not sure of the name) won - those cars were so much faster than the rest a chimp could have won (sorry Charlie...).

The next year was the Penske version wiith Donahue, and that was one of the fastest race cars ever. Period. A true tour de force.

Sorry to get off topic again, but I love Can Am.

I'm glad you got it back on topic by taking those shots with a Pentax! <vbg>


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "John Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For those of you wondering what this was about (and seeing as this is, after all, a Pentax photography newsgroup), I offer the following two shots I took at the 1998 Monterey Historics (using my PZ-1p):


The first shot (the red car) is a genuine 917K, although I believe that
is not the original car that carried that particular livery at Le Mans.

The second car (the blue open-top car in Sunoco colours) never actually
raced.  It was to be Mark Donohue's car the next year (a plan which was,
unfortunately, curtailed by Mark's death).

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