Nice shot...
Reminds me of some time I spent in Cuba, back in '51.
Little guys like that always looking to gather some change from the tourists.
Looks a little staged, what with the tres amigos lined up like little soldiers, a little snapshot-ish, but face it, most of us DO take snapshots when we're out and about.

This one is full of feeling, and I particularly like the look on the shop-keeper's face.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:

I'd been traveling on a "chicken bus" for the better part of
a day.  The bus stopped at numerous small, dusty towns en
route to Celeya from I-don't-remember-where-I-got-on.  If
any of you have traveled on such buses you know the joy and
frustration that goes with such a journey.  I stepped off
the bus in one of these towns feeling as dusty as the
streets, my throat parched, and smelling of chickens and

I was greeted by "Los Tres Amigos" who wished to sell me
some Chiclets.  They had but one package of the gum between
them, and it appeared that I would be their last customer
for the day.  I asked that they show me to where I could get
something to drink, and the took me to a nearby bodega,
where I was able to quaff a warm soft drink, and where I
bought them a small carton of Chiclets.

Here they are, proudly showing off their new inventory,
while the shop keeper looks on.  I tried a little sepia
conversion in Photoshop to perhaps give the photo a little
more "feel" for the situation.  This is a work in progress,
and I'd really appreciate your comments.

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