
It's great to know that the photo evoked some good memories
for you.  Here's a slightly different version: 

I loved that area, and taking second and third class buses
through Mexico was a wonderful experience.  I really got to
see life as it was, away from tourist towns and "los
gringos."  The people I met were open, friendly, and very
helpful.  There are some wonderful memories that have stayed
with me from that trip, and make the travels seem almost
like yesterday.

Acambaro sounds familiar, and I'll try to dig up some more
information about the routes I took and where I stopped. 
There were so many little places, most with unpaved streets,
kids like these, street vendors and little bodegas, and a
variety of animals wandering about.

A lot of the film from that trip has disappeared, but I do
still have some negatives and will post the photos at some
point.  There are a few general street shots of one town
that remain, and maybe it has enough information to help
determine where I was at the time.


Gonz wrote:
> That is so cool!  I wish you would remember the names of the dusty small
> towns that you came from, my grandparents are from that general area!
> The pic evokes so many memories of going down there to visit relatives.
> Celaya was the "big" town, then closer by was "Salvaterria", and
> "Acambaro".  My grandmother owned a little store very much like the one
> in the picture.  And of course there were always little kids selling
> chicklets, especially near the bus terminal.  The pic is great, I have
> many similar pics of that time/place.  Do you have any others?

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