On 20/3/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] discumbobulated:

>Just wondering - with regards to my USA trip - I was thinking of not
>bringing any cash at all, and just paying my spending money off my visa. It
>will be a great help for tax purposes etc, and I rarely carry cash here any
>more, I usually use EFTPOS for everything. How widely accepted is VISA in
>the States?  Are you able to pay taxi's etc with VISA?  Or should I carry
>some cash with me?  What about on GFM?  Are there any teller machines that
>will allow me to withdraw cash from my VISA?  I have a pretty large purchase
>that I will be making whilst I am over there and will need to get my hands
>on at least USD$650 whilst I am  on the mountain (or beforehand to bring
>with me)....

I will be bringing a couple a hundred in cash for pizza, er
contingencies. I plan on buying some bits while over and for that I will
use plastic. Visa is fine.


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