Well, you've got your hands full. Here's a few thoughts to kick around. You have to do 
something to control the light to keep the tonal range within the dynamic range of 
your recoring media (digital or film). If you don't there will be no such thing as 
proper exposure. Two things to use to do this are a large diffusion screen/panel and 
reflectors. A diffusion screen is a large piece of thin white fabric or translucent 
plastic (a shower curtain works), stretched over a frame. The screen is paced between 
the sun and the subject to soften and reduce the intensity. PVC pipe is good because 
you won't have to glue all the connections so you can break it down for 
transportation. You'll need a panel that is at least 1 x 2 meters in size. The other 
thing you need is a reflector to open up shadows and give nice catch lights in the 
eyes. White and, or gold, would be good. Again, large is good: a square meter would be 
an appropriate size. If you're wondering how you're going to work all!
  this by yourself, you aren't. You will need an assistant on this shoot, for this and 
several other things. 
Exposure: If you shoot digital record in RAW mode, since this will give you the best 
chance of touching things up latter. Use a handheld incident meter and work in manual 
exposure mode. Once you get the exposure right (checking histograms and such) you only 
have to change settings if the light changes. Your assistant can keep tabs on the 
light with the meter. Reflected light readings will vary with every outfit change, and 
throw things off. You will also keep the backgrond looking consistent from shot to 
shot with manual. Between now and the shoot get in as much time as you need to get the 
technical issues resolved doing test shots and experimenting. Your shooting schedule 
will go right down the toilet if you have to solve major technical problems in real 
Somebody, besides you, will have to do kid wrangling to make sure kids are in the 
right outfits, look good and be ready to be shot at the right time. Kids who are 
waiting to be shot will have to be kept ammused and comfortable. Make sure there will 
be enough folks around to take care of things so that you can concentrate on shooting.

Good Luck.


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