>In a message dated 3/24/2004 11:30:18 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
>I don't know what the "thingee that came with Elements" is,
but I'd like to recommend the Color Spyder.  I borrowed a
friend's and it worked a lot better than the "thingee" that
came with Photoshop.

>Is the thingee with elements a physical device, or just some
software that you use to adjust the monitor by eye?

By eye, which is rather subjective, naturally.

I'll look for Color Spyder. If it's free or got a free demo, I'll try it.

The thingee is to set up a profile for Elements. It also calibrates the 
monitor re gamma, etc.

I think it's a separate software thingee just like with Photoshop. The same 
thingee. But I have pulled out the manual now. 


Marnie aka Doe   The below may be my new sig.
I'm not lazy -- I'm just busy. Or that is what I tell myself, anyway.

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