Perhaps it would be best if we let him have the last word on this.
He seems to feel the need to have it.
The point has been made.
He has proven himself to be an immature twit, and two faced prick.

I told Norton that his last post was spam. Hopefully, I won't have to
read any more of his tripe, and I certainly have made my last post
rsponding to him at this point.

Now you see why the war on terrorism won't work though.
You fight back, and it just makes the little bastards more resolute.

William Robb

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: taking a break for a while...

> Mr Robb wrote:
> > > So, the problem doesn't seem to be with the act of making a
> > > statement,  but with your disagreement with Mr Brendemuehl's
> Mr Karlsson responded:
> > Where did I ever say that I disagreed with his political
> Quote from Mr Karlsson regarding Mr Brendemuehl's sig:
> "... moronic American right wing preachings"
> If that doesn't indicate disagreement ...

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