----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel J. Matyola"
Subject: Re: taking a break for a while...

> William:
> Because of the mean spirit in which he espouses his extreme views
> everyone and everything, I stopped reading Mr. Karlsson's posts a
long time
> ago.  From the snippets I've seen in the posts of others, I
certainly don't
> regret it.  I'm sure he could teach me a lot about photography, but
it is
> not worth putting up with the other nonsense.

Dan, I have a long history on this list of tweaking the noses of
people that turn out to be pompous twits.
I just can't seem to help myself.
I admit it may be a personality flaw, sometimes for fun I take candy
from small children too. :-}
A lot of people on this list can teach you a lot about photography,
and generally, they aren't posting childish drivel.

William Robb

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