>In a message dated 3/27/2004 9:16:40 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
>Hi Kevin ...

I'd agree with Bill about wanting to see more sky.  It's
very nice shot, otherwise, although the roof of the old
house looks just a bit to saturated, not like the duller,
less intense rust roofs I'm used to seeing.  The difference
isn't much, however.


I agree about the sky. You've included more grass, for feel, I think, only 
the grass isn't that interesting, while the contrast with the sky is. So it 
would be more interesting to me with more sky and less grass. That means a 
reshoot, of course. ;-)

It is an interesting old building. I'd also try reshooting it early morning 
or late day for more interesting lighting and shadows. If it was me retaking it 
I would, that is.

Marnie aka Doe

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