Well, Marnie,

I was about to say "was". As in I "was" a lawyer. But, really, I still am one. (scary thought, eh?) It's a degree that's been conferred upon me, so as long as I can still put the letters LLB behind my name, I'm a lawyer. Just a "non-practicing" lawyer. To put it mildly.

I guess it's like being a "university graduate". You're always one of those. You can't be a "former graduate", even though I see that term used all the time - and it drives me nuts!

Now, no matter what my current or former profession is, you shouldn't believe anything I say.

I learned a long time ago, that by stating errorneous facts with much authority and bravado, one can fool many people, much of the time. How do you think politicians (most of whom are, of course, lawyers) do it? "We have highly credible information from very reliable sources that (I better stop here, or I'll get in deep do-do <g>)" Or maybe, "I am not a crook!" (okay, no one believed that one, but the fact that he tried it says something).

So, be cynical. Especially when I open my mouth. Believe nothing I say.

But, as I said before, no one listens to me anyway.



ps: Sorry, I feel like rambling tonight. I'm just a rambling guy. Ramblin', ramblin', ramblin'... (love Steve Martin's old stand-up routines <vbg>)

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

Subject: Re: something weird...
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2004 23:36:37 EST

Do bear in mind that frank is a lawyer.

Marnie aka Doe So we are not sure we can believe what he says. ;-)

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