Since they put the paging file on the FAT partition, I remember that there may be a legitimate reason to set up
a machine with a NTFS and FAT partition. Supposedly there is a performance gain from using FAT for that
purpose. Just how much is a question since I never notice a perceptible change when I changed the laptop I was
using to a single NTFS partition. (Just a heads up).

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Seems that whoever set up your machine has made it difficult
for you.  However, it should be fairly simple to change the
location of the paging file.  I think I did that on my Win
XP machine.

BTW, if you have enough memory and disk space, having the
paging file and the scratch disk on the same drive may not
be a problem.  I've got PS 6 running quite well on one
drive, which includes the scratch disk and paging file,

There is, BTW, a way to locate the paging file so it doesn't
move around and get in the way of the scratch disk.  I'll
check the XP machine and get back to you later.


Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

*eek* I changed my PS Scratch disks as suggested earlier on to have the
primary scratch disk as "D:".  Well, I have just gone in to reopen PS to do
some work, and I get this message:

"You currently have Adobe Photoshop's primary Scratch and Window's primary
paging file on the same volume, which can result in reduced performance.  It
is recommended that you set Adobe Photoshop's primary scratch volume to be
on a different volume, preferably on a different physical drive".

So this kinda puts a spanner in the works!  I thought that the windows file
would have been on the C: and thus this is why I went with D: as the Scratch
Disk?  Geeez, I am so confused...............


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