Very good observation Rob. The Superia one was taken 2 days later and a little earlier (around 4:30pm as I remember). The Velvia shot was taken at around 5:30pm I think. However, I believe the loss of detail has much to do with the Velvia itself (and the limitation of my scanner). Maybe I should shoot more negative in the future just to get better scans. Slides look great on the lightbox, but most scans are rather diappointing (suffers from darkened shade areas).

Alan Chan

I'm not sure, were these taken on different days as there seems to be a far
more visible shadow in the front of the trees in image 27320855? It looks as
though 27456943 was shot under pretty diffuse light. I don't think it's
entirely fair to make this a film type comparison given the lighting. In any
case my preference is for image 27456943, the detail makes it far more
interesting IMHO :-)

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