Is it already tomorrow (1 Apr) where you are?


Andy Chang wrote:

I don't know whether it has been mentioned before...
But apparently, the last of the SLR range will be out soon and it is the
MZ-S Limited.
It is the slightly cosmetically improved MZ-S with the previously
plastic back changed to aluminium / magnesium alloy back. Also the
improved button-seals just like the LX. Generally, a face-lift... Also a
new grip will be on the market BG-10n with CR-v3 lithium batteries
compatibility which is lacking in BG10.
Only 5000 of this baby will only be produced (which I don't believe) and
mainly on sale in Japan. The package will include a FA 43 limited lens
(just like MZ3 limited package).
Still no news on the pricing... but I expect it to be dear...



-- graywolf

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