That's a really cheap shot, and so far beneath you that it
makes me wonder if I've misjudged you all these years.  You
know damned well that Lasse's going to respond in a similar
way, further perpetuating this nonsense.  Shame on you for
pouring gasoline on the flames.


graywolf wrote:
> Q: What is the difference between Lasse Karlsson and a terrorist?
> A: A terrorist has guts.
> The guy almost makes me dislike Swedes. Did you notice that he is a Swede who
> moved to a Finnish island, and then advocates taking it away from Finland and
> making it part of Sweden?
> I have to admit I have been waiting for him to tell us that Spain got what it
> deserved as he did about the US after 9/11. Not a peep.
> I figure an American stepped on his toes in a crowded elevator once (grin).

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