William Robb wrote:

> And in who's world does a company not carry liability insurance as
> standard procedure?
> They are paying for it, whether or not they make claims.
> It's a complete fallacy to think that companies don't take use of
> liability insurance into account when they are setting up their
> business plan.
> Otherwise, why have it in the first place.

No business in their right mind doesn't carry liability insurance, even
where it isn't compulsory to do so. The issue here is cost and in today's
world where potential claims can be large, premiums are very high. To reduce
this, most companies have a large excess or element of self insurance. One
company I worked for had an enormous excess of way into 6 figures GBP. To
reduce the costs further most excesses are layered with additional polices
for higher sums to get better insurance premiums through lesser risk of
claiming, i.e. the 2nd excess policy only picking up claims from say GBP1
million to GBP3 million and so on.

How this package works to a parcel delivery company for continual lower
level claims (although you would require the cover in the event of the loss
of say, a distribution hub), would be interesting to note, but no
Underwriter is going to spend more on paying claims and associated
administration costs than he gets in premiums!


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