I went out yesterday and spent a few hours shooting woodland wildflowers. These little flowers emerge in wooded area during the first few weeks of spring after the soil has thawed but before the trees send out their foliage and shade the ground. After a few weeks (or even days) they go dormant again till the next year.

Here are some of the better shots:


It was a real pleasure to shoot this with the *ist-D. For one thing, it was fairly breezy while I was out, and getting shots of the flowers when they are still is a real challenge. With the *ist-D I could just keep shooting till I nailed a shot that was not blurred. Shooting at ISO 400 was also a real treat - the quality still rivals what I get from ISO 100 slide film, and the additional two stops really helped with shutter speed. I shot almost 280 exposures - dumping them from the CF card to an X's Drive II as the card filled up.

Everything was shot with the *ist-D and either an A* 200 f4 macro or Kiron 105 f2.8 macro. No flash used but I did use both a POP diffuser and reflector in most shots.

Comments appreciated -



Mark Cassino Photography

Kalamazoo, MI



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