I am the proud owner of an *istD. Just a few questions.

1.) Is digital photography better than film photography?

2.) So, how does this thing work?

3.) If I use this camera, will I go blind?

4.) What's the capital of South Dakota?

5.) Who was the guitar player on "Whiter Shade of Pale?"

6.) If I try real hard, can I put film in the camera?

7.) When I get finished reading the manual, will I be able to play the piano?

8.) If I take a picture in RAW format, import it into Photoshop, and adjust the image size correctly for a usable print, will I see God?

9.) Do I have to give up my membership in the Real Photographers Guild?

10.) Is a family in Rochester NY now going hungry because of me?

11.) Will my desk now become organized?

12.) Will women now find me attractive?

13.) Does anything rhyme with "eucalyptus"?

14.) Can I ask random people for spare Compact Flash cards?

15.) How does the Infield Fly Rule work?

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