Doug - bless you for this merriment!
I'd answer the questions, but I could never come
up with anything to
top what has already been submitted.

We could have another contest at GAM - best silly
answers to 
silly questions....

(leaving the questions in on purpose due to my
crazy computer filing system:) )

Doug Brewer wrote:
> I am the proud owner of an *istD. Just a few questions.
> 1.) Is digital photography better than film photography?
> 2.) So, how does this thing work?
> 3.) If I use this camera, will I go blind?
> 4.) What's the capital of South Dakota?
> 5.) Who was the guitar player on "Whiter Shade of Pale?"
> 6.) If I try real hard, can I put film in the camera?
> 7.) When I get finished reading the manual, will I be able to play the piano?
> 8.) If I take a picture in RAW format, import it into Photoshop, and adjust
> the image size correctly for a usable print, will I see God?
> 9.) Do I have to give up my membership in the Real Photographers Guild?
> 10.) Is a family in Rochester NY now going hungry because of me?
> 11.) Will my desk now become organized?
> 12.) Will women now find me attractive?
> 13.) Does anything rhyme with "eucalyptus"?
> 14.) Can I ask random people for spare Compact Flash cards?
> 15.) How does the Infield Fly Rule work?

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