I think you've hit upon the "problem" exactly!  The Pentax,
IMO, compares favorably with the Schneider 4X ASPH.


Rob Studdert wrote:

> It does have pin cushion distortion however if you always view from the centre
> of the loupe and move it over the subject then it's of no consequence. If you
> leave the loupe stationary and expect to be able to see the media clearly by
> moving your eye around the view aperture then forget it. I think the problem is
> that most loupes suffer this problem however the view aperture of this one is
> so large it tempts the user to use it inappropriately. Hence the often negative
> comments, most of which you will find were gleamed whilst using one for 30
> seconds in a photo shop. I have both the Schneider 4x ASPH and the Pentax 5.5
> and I prefer the Pentax, it has no image quality problems.

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