I tried one many years ago so I don't remember anything about distortion. I do remember, however, the Schneider 4X MC has the extra punch and appears slightly more contrasty, better colour and less flare. However, the Pentax 5.5X is still a very fine loupe. With the loupes that I have (Schneider 4X & Cabin 8X), I have found distortion would be most noticeable when my eye was not positioned dead centre. I guess some people viewed from a distance so they thought there was huge distortion when it should be viewed at close distance.

Alan Chan

I did some research on the Pentax 5,5x lupe. Judging by the specs it seems
to be one of the best alternatives for a photographer with glasses -
mainly because of it´s big eye relief. The thing is that there are totally
contradictory verdicts on a possible distortion problem. Three reviews on
the net say there is huge pincushion distortion and two say there is none.
Is there a quality control issue with Pentax or whats going on here? Any


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