Hi Malcom ...

Not to put too fine a point on it, the M7 is a recent Leica,
only a year or two (at most) on the market. 20+ years ago
you'd have been using an M4-series, or older.

One thing that makes a Leica (and other RF cameras) better
than an SLR for street photography (God, do I hate that term
and description!) is that you can see outside the frame
lines, which means you can see what's coming into the frame
and what's surrounding it, allowing for better composition
in fast changing environments.  There are other factors as
well, but I'll leave them be for now ... although, I will
say that all too often an SLR is too big or too noisy, or
both, for certain situations.

Personally, I like the MX quite a bit for those times when
an SLR is a good choice.  It's a nice compliment to the
Leica, especially with certain lenses, like the M50/1.4 or
the K35/2.5 or 28/3.5.  The FA* 43mm is a superb choice (in
fact, it's also made in a Leica thread mount .... ahh!) and
I suspect the FA* 77mm would be fine as well.


Malcolm Smith wrote:
> > I'm doing some research on the topic of street photography
> > and the question has several parts. The first, to keep it on
> > topic, is what Pentax camera and lens(es) make the best
> > street shooting combo and why? 
> I'm sure the MX and 40mm pancake lens will get a mention, it's a great
> combination. The Leica M7 is a rangefinder (isn't it?) and as I haven't
> owned one for 20+ years, I can't remember why that would be better than an
> SLR.

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