Hi Rob
you are wrong on that, believe me.
It has been tested and reported several times from well known PC magazines.

And yes, you can hear a difference between *very* bad wires and good ones ,
if everything else
has a high level of quality. With cheap wires or long distances , you loose
a lot of bass for example.
I would not pay a premium price for wires, but not use the supplied ones one
the other side.

and yes, you can sometimes hear the difference between an original audio cd
and a copy.
You would say that the copy has to be identical. But if it contains media
errors, the error correction will
correct them and you can here this.  But this is getting off topic :-)


>>Oh, are those the same guys that can hear the difference between one brand
>>another of 5 feet of 10ga. speaker wire? I always thought we photographers
>>believed some strange things, but compared to audiophiles we are a bastion

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