Hi Markus ...

So pleased that you liked the PAW this week.  The kids were
great ... there are more to be posted at another time.  Stay
tuned <LOL>

You asked to see another one, here it is ... ;-)))



Markus Maurer wrote:
> Hi Shel
> it is the first photo I see from you and I like it, because it seems to be
> real kids life to me.
> The gang seems proud and cool and enjoying the photo session but trying to
> hide their thoughts somewhat.
> Critics:
> Nothing missing if it is a single snapshot
> I would like to see alternatives shoots with the eyes of the boy in the
> background next to the girl more visible and more of the bike in the
> foreground to compare which view I would prefer.
> What was your distance to the group, you must have been pretty close with a
> 20mm, assuming the image is unaltered.
> Do you have more of them, I am getting appetite.....
> Markus

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