C> I find DPReview to be excellent. It gives me exactly what I want - decent
C> specs layout, results, tables, all the hardware. I want to be told that
C> the build quality is first rate, not that button x is in the wrong place.
C> I'll make my own judgements as to the location of button x, thank you.

Yes, I admit, the information is there. One can make one's own
opinion. But (as a point for Reichmann, which does stress this),
PReview's conclusions are not much worth when using the cameras, when
he doesn't stress the controls and usability. Most funny I find the forums there -
constant flame wars and pixel counting people.

C> I like Luminous Landscape, but for entirely different reasons. I don't
C> read Reichman.

Hmm, could it be SMP :-) ?

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

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