frank theriault wrote:
> Shawn,
> PAW stands for Photo a Week.  So, you submit a photo every week, more or
> less.  No one is counting.  If you miss a week, you don't get kicked out or
> anything.  If you post more than one a week, well, I guess that's fine, too
> (although if you, like, do it every day, someone may take you to task).
> For instance, I posted a PAW tonight, only 6 days after my last one.  I
> doubt anyone will notice.

WHATT Frank? only waited 6 days? Have you no

Looks like a mallard to me... hope you didn't hurt
his feelings.
at least it is a duck -- someone once put a photo
up of a goose in
a kind of preview for a gallery -- when I wrote
privately and said .. um- 
that is a goose... he ignored me and didn't change
his title...

I guess I ruffled his feathers. 


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