Sunday, May 16, 2004, 7:34:53 AM, Doug wrote:
DF> On Sat, 15 May 2004 21:05:11 -0700, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

>> However, and this blew me away, someone said that throwing more
>> memory at CS is a waste of time.

DF> Well I though that CS was supposed to be a "complete" rewrite.
DF> Apparently it has even more bone-headed memory management than its
DF> predecessors, though.  Geez, virtualized memory has only been around
DF> for 40 or so years, you'd think they'd figure it out by now.

Well, Adobe is "learning", certainly. Every version from 5.0 upwards
(I have seen the really older ones only on Mac so I can't compare) is more
and more memory hungry even when doing the exact same operations. Also
it doesn't reallocate the space it used. Fragments up memory severely.

I am looking into customising Gimp to look and control just like
Photoshop :) Although I am afraid the Gimp's win32 port is not so
stable as the main unix one, at least it wasn't few revisions back.

Or I could go back to PS 5.0 which I got with a scanner ;-)

Nah, there were definitely improvements in the later versions, that's
true, but at severe cost.

Best regards,
   Frantisek Vlcek

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