Hi Rebecca and welcome to the group - beware though it can sometimes get a
little heated. And don't post any pictures of yourself unless you want gifts
on a regular basis - ask Tanya.

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-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 April 2001 12:59
Subject: Re: Hi from a Newbie!!

Thanks everyone for the welcome!

Rob, thanks for the link. When the kids get back to school next week I will
try to get some of the ones that I took up on the web. So far I have only
shot with color film, I am going to check on getting a couple of rolls of
for the next tourny.

Artur, it is hard sometimes to predict what is coming next especially when
they are sparring, but like you said I do know most of the ones I am
and I know their moves so that helps alot. Our whole family practices
Taekwondo(ITA), it is something that we can all do together and have fun

Paul, the film I was using was just a roll I had left over in the bag, it
fuji 400. And your right I was closer when my husband was doing his board
breaking(this was at testing) and a little farther away when he was
I have tried doing some shots without the flash a couple of weeks ago, with
fuji 800 but those did not turn out to well. Although the building we were
was quite smaller then the gym. I had bought a roll of fuji 1600, I think
that is what it was, but I ended up using that at my moms 70th birthday in a
dark resturant, those turned out great. I am going to keep playing around
with it. Our next tourny isnt until June but I can practice when we have
classes a little. The room there is alot smaller then a gym but I have tried
shooting there and I still need a lot of work at it.

Tanya, I have seen the pics you have taken they are Beautiful!!

Here's a question for ya'll, Tanya says that her Achiever only works on
"manual" with some lenses and mine seems to only work on "auto focus". Why

Dan, I did use the same lens for all the shots. I was mainly using up a roll
that I had in the camera bag, fuji 400. The lens was the one that came with
the camera a 35mm-80mm with the 2X tele converter that I have. I know that I
should have used a faster film but I was mainly just playing around some.
Also with the tele converter I have to focus manually, I am guessing because
of the lack of lighting it doesnt focus good indoors.

Lasse, our uniforms are the white ones. I never thought about them
influencing the metering. Although in these shots from Saturday I wasnt that
close, but that is a good thought to keep in mind. I didnt use the Achiever
260 this time because the lens that I was using, along with the tele, seems
to not want to focus in auto so I was focusing manually and I knew from
experience that the Achiever would not flash in manual. I know a little
light compensating but not much. Actually not a whole lot at all. I can see
there is a whole lot of this that I havent a clue about, like the second
shutter sync. Is this where you set the tv at a slower speed?

Thanks ya'll, I am going to take the kids out this weekend and try to get
some outdoor shots. I think I will try that panty hose thing that Tanya was
talking about and see how they turn out. Hopefully when the kids get back to
school I will have time to get some of the pics that I have taken up on the
web. I will post a link to em when I do.

Thanks again,

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