Hello Frank,

Well, I'm just a lone wolf, I always shoot alone. I like to take my
time, but I would feel uncomfortable seeing all the others waiting for
me to fire that damned shutter at once. In those moments I'm very
concentrated, you may shoot a cannon behind me, and I likely wouldn't
notice... Some people may interpret this wrongly as not paying
attention to their presence, which is the last thing I want.

There is not a single shop in the whole town where you can buy a new
SLR. Only two shops which occasionally have used ones brought in by
customers (half the cameras needs repairing). So going out with a
camera bag and a SLR around my neck makes me look definitely like a
geek. Not to mention the cases when I take my tripod. Even if it is a
lightweight Velbon CX-300, definitely amateurish, I get many people
staring at me.

Just my cents.

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