> I've really never seen this discussed around 
here before.  So, what do you 
> think or prefer?  Shoot alone or with groups?  What's your preference, if 
> you have one?
> thanks,
> frank

Hi Frank.

As you mentioned in the opening paragrah,other than when the TOPDML gets together,i
usually shot 
my my self.
If for only one reason,no one in my household has any interest in this hobby at 
than looking at 
the pictures when i'm done,thats it.

To do my non horse work,is best done by vehicle,as you have seen on your Stouffville
trip,its a long 
way between things.LOL

I have the front seat full of bodies lenses and stuff,so a passenger would have to sit
very gingerly. 

I noticed on a few of our downtown walks,we get some pretty wierd looks and
comments,however if i 
walk alone,now with the 6x7,i seem to blend in.Only when that mirror flaps.lolBut then 
could take out 
the yashica-mat,but i would make a poor weapon if accosted<g>


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