On 16/5/04, FRA, discombobulated, offered:

>Dear Mac & Win friends,
>can you help me with StuffIt please? The dumb bastards at Alladinsoft,
>who created this piece of sh*t, require me to download the whole trial
>version (10MB) of StuffIt just to get the little Expander. All I want
>is to open some downloaded ICC charts which the poor unknowing soul
>compressed with this idiotic product (when there are much better ones
>like Bzip2 or Tar/Gzip)... Software peculiarities are the curse of the
>Macs, but Windows have their share as well...
>Is there any small program to just open the damn .SIT and .HQX files?
>I do not want to install a whooping 10MB "suite" which I am sure will
>just sh*t in my system registry and folders not properly uninstalling
>itself afterwards. Or, if the license allows it, could somebody just
>mail me the small Expander which was still for download as standalone
>in older versions of StuffIt?
>Thanks and good night!
>Good light,
> Frantisek Vlcek

I find Stuffit very useful and it is the default compression method for
Macs. It decompresses just about any file that anyone has ever sent me,
and I personally find it very useful - wouldn't be without it.

I will gladly mail you the Expander component. Are you on a Mac or a PC?


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