on 25.05.04 0:40, Rob Studdert at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The sorts of suggestions you made are just the type of things that I'd shoot
> multiple images for and then post process in PS. I'm still not sure if I can
> ever find a use for it. I do wish that they'd concentrated their efforts on
> important things like providing wider stop range for auto bracketing and maybe
> focus and aperture bracketing. These sorts of "advancements" would have been
> far more useful to me as they can't be duplicated post capture.
Rob, actually you have aperture bracketing in *istD. Just switch it to Tv or
HyM mode (green button must be set to shift Tv value only in second case)
and bracketing will change only aperture value in 0.3 or 0.5 steps depending
on your CFs setup :-)

Best Regards

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