Hah! Not much improvement, I'd say, so far as "lake cold" is concerned!
I went thru boot camp at USN Great Lakes -- ohhh. a long time ago! -- and had to occasionally stand "fence watch," which meant walking the inside perimeter of the compound fence. At night, dead of Winter, in the snow, and the wind coming off the lake like it does, that was a really miserable duty!

Sure glad I moved to Southern California!




I'm in Chicago now. I do miss Racine Wisconsin and the lakeshore access. The Great Lakes are really a terrific asset for the midwest. And yes, I have never been quite as cold as standing in a 30 mph 'breeze' on an overcast 20 degree F day on the lakeshore.

I wanted Jon to see those photos because my equipment was pretty simple, a Pentax ME 
and 3 prime lenses 50/1.7, 28/2.8, and 135/3.5.  I've got 10 times as much equipment 
now, but my pictures aren't 10 times better.  :-)

Regards,  Bob S.

Keith writes:

Nice site, Bob...
I grew up close to Lake Erie, Just east of Cleveland, so I could really
_feel_ the cold and wind you show around the lighthouse!
Where do you live now...since you left Racine some years ago?

keith whaley

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