On 10 Jun 2004 at 11:56, graywolf wrote:

> I, on the other hand, had a APS UPS burst into flame. If I had not been sitting
> at the computer when it happened, it would have burned the house down. I will
> never trust their equipment again.

Wow, I personally own two big units including one that takes multiple external 
battery packs, it's designed for long run times (better cooling etc) and I've 
sold hundreds of them over the years from all across their range. I have 
repaired several of what I deem lesser brands too over the years. I have pics 
of the insides of some of these including evidence of vaporized PCB tracks etc. 
The only time I ever had to open APC UPS were to change batteries. As I said 


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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