My g... how pathetic.  It reminds me of some really bad B-movie.

This isnīt barbaric.  The barbarians had a civilization, but you donīt.


På 11. jun. 2004 kl. 03.28 skrev Shawn K.:

You'd break your leg kicking my hard ass tough guy. I've fought tougher
than you before, and would welcome a good scuffle, I always did feel good
after a fight, mainly because I won, and because it's in my blood to fight.
It's notable that you say all that you said like you're just the toughest
mofo on earth, then you go and ignore me. Pretty weak William Robb. My
right hand has met more jaws than you can probably count, and it has the
broken bones and scars to prove it... And before you go commenting on what
a barbarian I am, remember that I have a computer degree, a bachelors for
that matter, so even us barbarians can learn to use fancy shmancy computers.


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