
You're sick. Seek help. Seriously. I'm not kidding. Your behaviour on the list of late is not normal. You may be a danger to yourself or others.

I'm really not joking. I hope you take my advice, for your sake, and the sake of those around you.

This will be my only post on this matter, no matter if you spew vitriole my way or not. I've said my piece, now I'll go away.

best regards for a speedy recovery,

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Shawn K." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: reagan cortege
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 22:47:42 -0400

Yeah Bob, you're just so witty and smart, because being witty equals being
smart, never mind all those things like SAT scores, and IQ scores, and what
have you.... I'm honestly not friendly, nor do I really like people, they
largely annoy me, I'm super competitive, I always want to win, and it miffs
me when its impossible to win. Like now, now it's impossible to win, it's
impossible to save face, but I must run this broken train through wall after
wall until every single one of you simply give up out of sheer fatigue. Its
just the way I am. Sorry, but my will to achieve the upper hand is simply
enormous in these types of situations. I probably should have pursued a
degree in dictatorships, or gone to Grad school as a Fascist overlord in
training. But you know, my school just didn't offer such forward thinking
fields of study. Go figure.


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