
Reagan was involved in affairs both in Iran and Iraq fyi.

Interesting way of having a discussion by the way - spurt out your opinions then block the replies form the people you are talking too. Sounds like YOU dont want to hear the truth. Regan was not all good. In fact he had quite a lot of bad.

This killfile business cracks me up though. Its like because it contains the word "kill" you feel it is some kind of weapon, where is it is more akin blocking your ears. Not really killing anything other than you own ability to hear what is going on. Doesnt harm anyone except you. You sensitive old sod.


On 11 Jun 2004, at 15:47, Peter J. Alling wrote:

Ah so now you're confusing Iran and Iraq. Well here's a news flash. Iran was ruled by fundamentalist Moslems and populated
primarily by Persians. Iraq by was ruled by fascist secularists and populated mainly by Arabs. (Gee, I guess this is politically incorrect so I want to say
right now that I mean no disrespect to either Arabs or Persians, nor wish to imply that either group prefers the Government type with
which these particular Arabs and Persians were associated). Notice I'm not commenting on any thing else. Only the facts not the suppositions.

Don't bother to respond to this message you've been killfiled.

Antonio Aparicio wrote:

Iran-Contra scandal anyone? Col. oliver North? Lies, deciet and illegal wars?


On 11 Jun 2004, at 06:12, Peter J. Alling wrote:

No, the French gave him the money, they bought his Oil on very favorable terms and the sold him Exocet missiles and aircraft, which he used to blow up an American Destroyer. There's more than enough blame to go around in power politics. Now please shut the hell up.
Shawn K. wrote:

No we gave him the money.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert & Leigh Woerner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: reagan cortege

Oh really, we sold Saddam the Soviet T-72 tanks, MiGs, and SAMS???

----- Original Message ----- From: "Antonio Aparicio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: reagan cortege

And one of the most unpopular to the rest of the world, particularly Latin America (remember Honduras and Nicaragua?) and Iraq (where he setup Sadam Hussein with a nice set of weapons to kill his own people), or perhaps Afghanistan (where his policies left Bin Laden and co. setup and nice little training camp after supporting him and the Taleban with weapons and cash to kick out the Russians).

Sure he helped put and end to the cold war, but he also played an important role in sewing the seeds of todays problems.

Toms pics were nice, pro-reagan patriotic pics - particularly the one of the horse.


On 11 Jun 2004, at 00:18, Bob W wrote:

Whether you liked him or not, Reagan was the
most popular President in American history and his funeral is an
important news event.

I thought Tom's photos were excellent, particularly the riderless horse,
which I think is as good an example as any I've seen in the press of that

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