Some of my earliest memeories of reading were (aside from school books
or Dr. Seuss) were Tom Corbett, Space Cadet.  Of course, now I feel
really old and it's Marnie's fault.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/18/04 11:21AM >>>
In a message dated 6/16/2004 11:06:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
That first adaptation "Dune" is one of the worst examples of that. 
second adaptation is much better, but misses the mark by a wide
The all time worst, though, might be Stephen King's "The Stand".  That
movie had the wrong people together in the wrong groups in the wrong
places at the wrong times doing the wrong things.  And it missed 90%+
of the real meat of the stories, which went on inside people's minds. 
Like Stu's trek out of Las Vegas with the dog.

The Sci-Fi channel's, Dunes, OTOH, aren't bad.

And they are now out on DVD. Although a lot of the concepts in Dune are
hard to capture on film. But I thought they did a pretty good job.

Marnie aka Doe  Been reading sci-fi since I was 12 years old.

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