On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:15:08 +0200, Frantisek Vlcek wrote:

> OMG, a film version of I,Robot?

Based on the (very short) trailer or ad I saw the other day, I expect
it to bear only the weakest resemblance to the written tales.  It'll
have robots and humans in it, but that looks like where the resemblance

> These are one of the world's best SF writers, from Poland and SSSR.
> I am interested how well are they known outside.

I've heard of Stanislaw Lem, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen or read
any of his books.  I've never heard of the brothers Strugackijs.

> More on the film versions, poor great PK Dick must be rotating in
> grave because of all the bad adaptations of his work into movies.
> Except Blade Runner, all of the other movies "hoovered" big time.
> It's strange that of all writers, his were adapted often, but very
> badly.

I've considered this quite a bit while suffering through terrible film
adaptations of a lot of books, especially the FSF genre.  Of the ones
I've seen, very few do credit to the original book.  I think part of
the problem is that a lot of the best FSF just aren't visual stories. 
They take place far more in the minds of the main characters than in
the landscapes around them.

That first adaptation "Dune" is one of the worst examples of that.  The
second adaptation is much better, but misses the mark by a wide margin.
 The all time worst, though, might be Stephen King's "The Stand".  That
movie had the wrong people together in the wrong groups in the wrong
places at the wrong times doing the wrong things.  And it missed 90%+
of the real meat of the stories, which went on inside people's minds. 
Like Stu's trek out of Las Vegas with the dog.


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