By the time you pay someone to commercially scan 300-400 slides you will have more than paid for a very good film scanner, so you might as well bite the bullet and buy one for yourself. You might look for a good deal on a recently discontinued model. I got an band new HP S-20 for $69 that way a year ago. Found it when doing a Google search for film scanners.


Dr. Shaun Canning wrote:

This is slightly OT, but the slides were all taken with Pentax cameras (except for a few), so it is still on topic I guess...

I have a collection (300-400) of 35mm slides that I really need to digitise. Ideally, a 35mm slide scanner would be the best option, but I can't afford one at the moment.

What have other listers done in the past to resolve there scanning problems. I have no access to a lab or anything other than by mail...and I would hate to lose any of these trannies.

Any ideas out there...



-- graywolf

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