På 25. jun. 2004 kl. 21.50 skrev John Francis:
DagT mused:

My guess is simply that no-one is buying high-end Pentax gear, so Pentax
is no longer producing things like the MZ-S and the FA 80-200/2.8

Or they have found that these lenses have weaknesses that become evident on dslr's,
so they are planning to release improved versions. With or without IS/USM.

I haven't found any weaknesses with the 80-200/2.8 on the *ist-D; it's still my favourite lens.

But I'd almost certainly buy a smaller, lighter, 50-150/f2.8 (or similar)
with no power zoom motors, etc. Add IS and/or USM, and it's a slam dunk.
I'm even resigned to the fact that it might well be a DA lens, with all
that entails (smaller image circle, no aperture ring, etc.)

Well, even though I prefer primes a 2.8 zoom could be interesting, but not in the 50-90mm range. In this range I prefer the 50 and 85 1.4 (or 77mm). The 85 1.4 would be smaller in the DA version, but not much smaller than the 77. A compact DA 100-300 would be nice.

I do like the build of the 14mm, though (even without aperture ring) after just two days, so more lenses of this type is tempting. It will see a lot of use the next few days, so I´ll see if I change my mind.


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