
RS> This PAW is the product of an experiment the focus of which was to preserve the
RS> colours of the sun rise and sky in the image without sacrificing all detail in
RS> its foreground. 

RS> To form the image I selectively combined two shots from a +_1 stop bracket in
RS> Photoshop. I pasted the darker image over the brightest image, registered the
RS> images (set top layer opacity temporarily to 50%) and then set about
RS> selectively erasing the areas of the darker image (good sky) with a feathered
RS> brush at 25% opacity until I came up this:

RS> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=2412599&size=lg

RS> It's not perfect but it gives me a lot of ideas for future images along the
RS> same vein particularly given that it was only hand held.

Indeed this is digital photography in it earnest, so to say.

I am afraid personally I am too lazy to learn all the tools that I

Rob, while you were at it, could you have removed the greenish kinda
ghost just on the left bottom of the sun? The whole picture is almost
black and white sans the sun and this greenish blob does not belong...

It is really great stuff you share with us.



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