Thanks for getting back Doug.

1. Thanks for the reassurance.

2. I have never had a message lost on the internet except for on this list. I think there is a problem here you need to look into. How can you be sure that the brand of software you use is of no consequence, clearly something is not working.

3. Good.


On 7 Jul 2004, at 15:03, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


1. Nobody has gotten a virus from the list. The list software strips attachments and rejects anything but plain text. Any virus arriving at an emailbox purporting to be from the list address has simply had the address spoofed, as the virus is written to propagate itself through hijacked addresses.

2. Lost messages are a fact of life on the Internet. There are too many hops an email has to make to guarantee that each one will reach its intended destination. One thing I do is have several dummy accounts set up here and there, all subscribed to either the list or the digest. That way I can keep an eye on traffic and if the loss exceeds my threshold I will take a look to see if there is anything common to the lost messages. Trust that I do all I can to ensure smooth delivery of your deathless prose.

3. People who have had their ID's hijacked are, unfortunately, victims of other members of the list. I have spoken privately to a couple of people about this, and I hope such foolishness will not happen again.

The brand-name of the software I use is of no consequence to you. All you have to know is that it works, for the most part.

From: Antonio Aparicio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: 2004/07/07 Wed AM 07:57:09 EDT To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: OT: Non-Microsoft browsers are most secure choice

What I would like to know also is what software is used on the server
that maintains this list? Some have received viruses from the list,
whilst others have not had their messages appear, whilst others have
had their IDs faked....


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