Don Sanderson a écrit :

Hello Michel!

It requires removing the mirror box/lens mount assembly.
This is a pretty major amount of dis-assembly.
It took me 5 or 6 bodies to get fairly proficient at this.
A full description with pictures would be re-writing the ME Super service

I have the service manual from Mark Roberts, that seems a little difficult and delicate for me !

Best bet would be to pick up a reprint of the manual which is available for
about US $10.00 (eBay, etc.)
and practice on a body which doesn't mean much to you.
My first couple of patients didn't live through the operation! )-;
It still takes me 2-3 hours to do.
Unless you plan on doing a lot of them it's probably better to send it off
and have it done for you.
One place with reasonable prices is , I imagine
there are similar places nearer to you.

Yes, I know here in France.

Thank's, Michel

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