I think Spencer Tunick's photos are more about scale than art. It's a feat of organization to get all those people in one place at the same time without their clothes.
But most of the images seem ordinary to me. I guess my favorite is the one that looks like a field of sheep. It's metaphorical and has some elementary beauty to it,
but I find the majority of the work to be dull.
On Jul 12, 2004, at 6:46 PM, Amita Guha wrote:

to me that seems like a very lazy, easy-target piece of work.
Not shocking at all, but the sort of thing a 16-year-old
might think was clever.

Then you must not like Spencer Tunick's work at all... http://spencertunick.com/

Amita (no, I'm not fixated on nekkid people, I'm just bored with work)

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