----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pål Jensen"
Subject: Replacement for the FA 50 and 100 Macros? (Re: Pentax is

> > Alan wrote:
> >
> > > Some news from Taiwan retailers (or just rumour) suggested some
Pentax FA
> > > lenses were not manufactured anymore (like FA100/2.8 & FA50/2.8
etc) because
> > > they are expecting new lenses to replace them. But then again,
nobody can
> > > confirm.
> Actually, Pentax have long had a FA 87/2.4 Macro Limited lens
developed that have not yet been released (along with a 118/2.4

I suppose they will be released when the Asahi family personal
photographer reaches the age of 87, and then 118 years?

William Robb

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