Around here (Milwaukee area) you typically get develop, one set of prints
and a CD for about $17 - the scans are 1200 x 1800.  For hi res JPG it runs
$5 for the CD setup plus $2/scaned neg - if you want TIFFs instead of JPGs
it's $9/scanned neg.  One pro lab has a special w/develop, one set of prints
and 10 megapixel scans for about $35.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Sanderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 10:17 AM
Subject: 35mm Scanning Prices?

> I'm pretty disapointed  with my film scanner so I priced scanning at the
> local camera shop this morning.
> What I got was:
> $17.00 US for develop and scan at 1600x1200.(36 Exp.)
> $31.50 US for develop and scan at 2000x3000.
> My scanner is supposedly capable of 1800x2500 but I just can't get it to
> a decent/reliable  job. (Prime Film PF1800)
> 1.) Does this sound like fairly normal pricing to you? I was rather in
> shock!
> 2.) Does anyone else have the PF1800? How are your results?
> Don

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